


Outpatient Radiology Services


MRI Services and Technology

We offer a wide range of diagnostic imaging modalities with a variety of machines including Siemens Verio 3T WIDE BORE MRI, Echelon Oval 1.5T OPEN BORE MRI, and Siemens Magnetom Essenza 1.5T High Field MRI

3T High Field Open (Wide Bore) MRI

At UDI, we are dedicated to providing state of the art equipment with a laser focus on the most accurate results achievable. A 3T machine has a greater signal strength than other MRI machines, in fact, it is the greatest strength an MRI machine can have. 3T MRI scanners create extremely clear and vivid images that can be completed quicker. A High Field Wide Bore scanners provide higher diagnostic resolution with more room for severely claustrophobic patients, pediatric patients, or patients that would have trouble fitting comfortably on a standard high field MRI machine. 3T imaging is the preferred choice for Neurologists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Women’s Imaging, and so many more. With both both high resolution and comfortability of a 70cm opening, optimal results are achieved.

Echelon Oval 1.5T MRI

University Diagnostic Institute offers the newest technology and equipment.  The Echelon Oval 1.5T MRI has a 74 CM wide bore system and UDI is the first to offer the widest MR system in Central Florida.

The oval bore is designed around the shape of the human body providing a comfortable and spacious environment for an optimal imaging experience. Patients that are anxious, claustrophobic, broad-shouldered and bariatric patients will experience greater comfort and peace-of-mind. This machine is also ideal for pediatric patients.

Patients will benefit from fewer sedations, reduced rescans, and shorter exam times. The unique oval bore design produces winning results for both patient and practice.


High Field MRI

Patients and physicians will appreciate superior image quality, increased resolution, and shorter exam times produced by the state-of-the-art High Field 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner at University Diagnostic Institute.

At UDI, we use MRI for the discovery of conditions and diseases of the brain, spine, knee, shoulders, kidney, liver, heart and circulatory system. MRI generates an infinite number of highly detailed images of the body that appear as small, high-resolution sections of the anatomy. The technology enables your physician to diagnose the cause of many symptoms including aneurysms, carotid arteries, rotator cuff tears, torn ligaments, disk herniation, and normal degeneration.